How to cleanse from parasites at home

To protect against parasites is impossible. They enter the body with food, water and even air. As people would not hesitate to speak about this issue, it exists, is widespread, needs to be redressed. Antiparasitic cleaning is carried out by different means and often at home. What is the procedure?

About the dangers of parasites to the human body

Infestation leads to various health problems. Among them, lowered immunity, diseases of different organs and systems, a deficiency, contamination of the blood by toxins. Man suffers not only inside but also outside. Spoiled skin, nails, and hair.


Symptoms of infestation:

  • itching, skin rash;
  • breath;
  • nausea, problems with digestion, pain in the abdomen;
  • problems with appetite, weight loss;
  • muscle pain;
  • cracks on the feet;
  • anemia.

Also, you may experience nervousness, irritability, sleep disturbance. The person starts snoring, grinding his teeth. Does not have to have all these symptoms. If there is at least 2 or 3 of them, you need to act.


The easiest way to cleanse the body from parasites – to undergo treatment with special drugs. They must appoint a physician after the examination. Analysis is the study of fecal Mas, also for diagnostic laboratory tests.

It is believed that the full moon is the release of eggs by the worms. The new moon is the probability to detect parasites tends to zero.


Pharmacies a wide range of effective synthetic drugs broad-spectrum. They are effective against parasites of different species. Often come in the form of tablets, capsules. Less likely to have the form of suspensions, intended for the treatment of children.

Each product requires an individual approach, accurate selection of the dosage, a detailed study of the user. If there are contraindications, it is necessary to replace analogs. In addition, it is important to prepare the digestive tract, normalize the chair. It is impossible to treat constipation, and increased risk of intoxication.

Cleansing while breastfeeding drugs possible, but is carried out strictly under the supervision of a physician.


Balms are also drugs, but adjusted. Most often they are made of plant-based alcohol. Despite the natural ingredients, it is important to adhere strictly to the dosages, do not exceed the recommended instruction course.

Do not try to cook some balm in the home. First, the composition can contain till 15-20 the components, all that you need to find and properly prepare. Secondly, natural remedies may be poisonous.

Folk remedies

Despite the abundance of synthetic drugs, many people have more trust in homeopathy, popular recipes. There are so many. Some options is completely harmless to humans. But there are some recipes that you want to use carefully, preferably in advance to consult a doctor.


Grass is the most popular means of parasites in folk medicine, but he should not be trusted. First, it is difficult to calculate the correct dosage, it depends on various factors and not only gender, weight, human growth. Secondly, some herbs increase the temperature, have a pronounced laxative effect, cause allergies.

What herbs are used:

  • Hemlock;
  • tansy;
  • weed;
  • the marshmallow root;
  • wormwood;
  • sage.

Often parasites are trying to eradicate herbs for weight loss. This method is more suitable as auxiliary means. Fees include laxatives components that accelerate the removal of helminths reduce the risk of intoxication. Fully to rely on such fees should not be.

Birch tar


Eliminating parasites with tar is not a new method. The product is effective against worms of different types, helps to remove toxins and poisons.

What you'll need for cleaning:

  • pharmacy tar;
  • Apple juice without sugar.

Drink a spoon of the juice with 1 drop of tar in the morning on an empty stomach. On the second day, add 2 drops daily to increase to 7 drops of tar. Continue to take this amount for another 3 weeks. The course is repeated after 3 months.

Cleaning grenades

Well demonstrated method of purification of pomegranate peels. They contain alkaloids that are effective against tapeworms several species lentetsa, spirometer.

What you will need:

  • 50 g of peels;
  • 400 ml of water.

Peel infuse the water at least three hours, then put on the stove and boil until the liquid has evaporated by half. Drain, squeeze pomegranate skins. Drink on an empty stomach in one gulp. You can cook the broth in the evening, to drink in the morning. After 2 weeks to repeat.

Enemas with added oils

This method is suitable only for parasites living in the intestine. It is possible for an enema to use herbs as described above. From them prepare infusions or decoctions, use. But there are other recipes.

What are the options:

  • Eucalyptus enema. Boil in a liter of water 30 g of eucalyptus leaves, cool, strain, add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil.
  • Soda enema. A strong remedy for parasites. For mortar mix 3 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 liter of water, heat to 40 degrees.
  • Enema urine. Often use a normal urine. But greater efficiency has urine. It boiled to a volume of¼, then apply in the usual way.

Often solutions add garlic juice, eucalyptus, lemon oil. These components increase the effectiveness of the product.

Recipe with castor oil

Positively-proven cleansing with castor oil and cognac. A rather old and proven tool. It is believed that under the influence of brandy parasites depart from the walls of the organs and castor oil helps to bring them at an accelerated pace.

What you will need:

  • 50 ml cognac;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil.

The ingredients are mixed, drink at night. In this case you need to dine for 4 hours before bedtime light meal, to the time of admission of the explosive mixture food time to digest. Urge to the toilet will be closer to the morning. The treatment course consists of at least two procedures, the duration depends on the severity of the case.

The diet during the cleansing of the body

For the effective implementation of anti-parasitic cleansing it is important to follow a special diet. It creates unfavorable conditions for helminth inhibits the multiplication, and also prepares the body. So start a week before the treatment. Diet can be on their own, focusing on recommended products. It is important not to overeat.

The list of prohibited products

These products create favorable conditions for development and reproduction of parasites. They also increase the amount of toxins, improve cholesterol levels, obstruct the intestine. Therefore, in order to cleanse the body of parasites and toxins, they should be temporarily abandoned.

The list of prohibited products:

Trihozefalez whipworm
  • raw milk;
  • sugar;
  • pastries made with white flour;
  • pasta, rice;
  • starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn);
  • canned food, smoked products;
  • dry, salted fish.

At the time of treatment should exclude foods that trigger the development of allergies. It is honey, citrus, fast food, soft drinks and other drinks with dyes, preservatives, flavor enhancers in the composition.

The list of allowed foods

The diet can be tailored to your liking from the allowed foods. It is recommended to cook gentle ways to eliminate frying in oil, discard fat sauces and dressings.

The allowed foods list:

  • dried fruits, fruits and berries of all kinds, including watermelon, melon;
  • cereals with a low content of starch;
  • grain bread;
  • thoroughly cooked meat, fish;
  • raw vegetables, onions, garlic;
  • eggs;
  • dairy products without additives and sugar.

It is recommended to add in the diet of pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, nuts. As the drinks you can drink any teas, mineral water, juices, stewed fruit, but no sugar. It is desirable to eliminate the raw water. In opisthorchiasis requires a special diet.

By the way, some worms do not tolerate an acidic environment, and even die. So often it is recommended to drink the juice from cranberries, tea with lemon, broth hips.


Fasting is also an effective way of cleansing from parasites but is not effective on all worms. For example, tapeworms can live for several months without nutrients. Antiparasitic starvation on the average lasts from 5 to 14 days.

You need to understand that fasting is understudied practice. He has a lot of admirers, opponents, still under debate. Besides, to refuse food is not all people. In some cases the damage will be more than good. Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate, to listen and to observe recommendations of doctors.

Also effective against parasites is considered a raw food diet . Eating lots of fiber improves bowel function, reduces the amount of mucus, which is a breeding ground for worms.

As the parasites leave the body after cleaning

Even live worms can leave the body. This happens often. The parasite is disengaged from the body accidentally goes. Often it is a sign of infection. But leave the body of the dead parasites? All depends on the location of the location.

There are two main ways:

  • Through the anus. A natural option. Often accompanied by the urge to the toilet, discomfort does not cause.
  • Through the mouth. The less pleasant option. Dead parasites come together with vomiting, sometimes the process is accompanied by a cough, but for a human this method is not dangerous.

Any method is good because the body needs to be cleansed. If invisible worms in the stool, it means nothing. The parasites were able to digest, to assimilate, besides they are not always large in size or present in large quantity. Perhaps the infection took place not long ago.


Defend against infestation impossible, but it is important to observe preventive measures: drink purified water, wash your hands, rinse vegetables and fruits with boiling water. It is important to undergo periodic checking in case of problems immediately to do the cleaning. It is better to prevent health problems, than then to restore the whole body.